Saturday, December 29, 2012

New things on the Horizon

So, I am always looking for new things to do with string. While I still can't knit, for some reason my hands just won't cooperate, that hasn't detoured my from broadening my fiber arts horizon. I am thinking of delving into the amazing world of macrame after seeing a beautiful macrame curtain. I just purchased a copy of 

I had to track down a copy since the book is discontinued but this is the magazine that the curtain is in, supposedly. I have no idea if it is in there or not. I saw it (the curtain) on a blog and this image was with it. So, I am assuming that from the images and the dialog on the blog the curtain is in this magazine. I only paid 8 bucks for it so it's alright if it's not. It appears to have a few other things inside that I wouldn't mind learning how to make. The owl on the cover for instance is something I would love to make. 

I can't wait to familiarize myself with macrame and start pairing it up with my awesome crochet skills!

Here is the curtain I really want to make. 

Isn't that so cool. I'm thinking one for my kitchen window. Maybe one in the bathroom. Something cool would be to modify this into a curtain for over the shower and instead of plants... make candle holders, fake candles of coarse. i don't know, that might be too cheesy lol. Anyhow, this curtain is going to fit in well with the Mediterranean/beach theme for my kitchen and dinning room. 

Here are a few other things I think are awesome.

This could be done so easily (if you knew how to macrame... and easy in the sense that you could do it yourself). 

this is so cool. It reminds me of one my GG used to have. I'm thinking cool garden table. 

I love this plant hanger I'm thinking of doing something like this, maybe two, in each one a big bowl holding lots of fruit and veggies!

Seriously, this is going in my garden.

This is something (above) that I could totally see me making and then working into crochet projects. 

Are you kidding me! Hell yes I want to make this! 

I love this! I could totally make this out back in my tree.

I think this is really cool. I don't know where I would do something like this right now though. I think it would be lovely over a table.

this makes really cool patterns on the wall. 

Hell yes!

This would be a cool way to make over old lawn chairs. 

Love these!

These would be cool in a garden or a little girls room. 

Cool way to recycle lawn chairs.

Yes is is gaudy but omg I'm in love. I'd use like.... black or white for the cord and use metal or mineral (stones) for the beads. So neat and I'm a sucker for gaudy. 

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